Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

So, once again, here I am having had the best intentions about blogging, and not getting it done like I promised.  Isn't that how it goes?  The Christmas season was super duper busy for me, as I was part of a Christmas production at my church that took up a huge chunk of my time.  The Gift of Christmas is probably one of the largest productions in the country, if not THE largest, and although it's so much fun to be a part of it, it wore me out!

Anyhoo, I wanted to show you how cute my door and wall are for the winter.  I originally saw a picture on Pinterest, and then told my fabulous room moms that they could do whatever they wanted to on my door and outside wall.  I think it turned out ridiculously cute, don't you?

Here are a few pics:

Stay tuned--I promise that I am going to do better this year about staying connected and posting more!

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