Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wiggle's Apple Book!

One of my favorite things about fall is learning about apples.  This is always a fun little mini unit.  We learn all about the properties of apples, use our 5 senses to explore and describe apples, we taste and graph apples, and we even make our own applesauce!  One of the things I also like to do since it's fairly early in the year is to review positional words.  I created this little reader entitled, Wiggle's Apple Book, to help reinforce and check for understanding of positional words.  After I copy the book for everyone and we discuss/review positional words, I give each student 5 little "worms".  (They are really just pipe cleaners).  Then I have the students bend them to resemble little worms, which is great fine motor practice too.  As they place the worms onto their pages in the correct position, I let them tape the worms in place using scotch tape.  It's super simple, but it's a great formative assessment for me, and the kiddies enjoy making and reading their books. 

Check out one of my students' books below:

I sure hope you can read sideways, because I can't figure out how to rotate these pictures!  When I uploaded them the first time, they were facing the right way.  Sorry about that!  Hopefully you'll get the idea!  By the way, if you visit my TPT store, you can download this book for FREE!  You can click the link below to take you there!  Enjoy!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monster Math!

Last Friday we did a really fun math activity.  I got this from Deanna Jump's back to school unit.  We started by reading two monster books, Go Away Big Green Monster and Leonardo the Terrible Monster.  Then we made a glyph (this comes from the term heiroglyphics where pictures are used to tell a story or give information).  The kids chose a monster shape of their favorite color, added spots for their age (5 spots for 5 years old, 6 spots for 6 years old), and gave the monster a mouth based on which book they liked best.  I think they turned out super cute!

Here is our data:
Here is a little monster close-up:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hi all!

Whew!  I know it's been a while since my last post, but boy have I been busy.  It's hard to believe that we have already completed 3 weeks of school!  The time has flown by for me.  I also had a really big birthday, and my sweet husband surprised me by taking me on a quick trip to NY, one of my favorite places!  We had a blast, but now it's time to really get in the swing of things at school and get things rolling. 

The first week of school was super busy with learning procedures, procedures, and more procedures!  The Rhodes Rock Stars are doing a great job so far I must say.  One of my favorite activities of the first week was reading David Shannon's No David and coming up with some do's and don'ts of our classroom.  I had the students dictate to me something we should or shouldn't do.  Then they each made a David of their own.  They turned out so cute!  I just love them.  It was also a great following directions activity.  (**By the way, I found this idea on Pinterest!)

Here are a couple more pictures of our David projects.
Is this priceless, or what??!!  It says, "No being naked!"
Reese B. said "No stealing." 
Madison remembered our rule about glue--"Dot, dot, not a lot!"
And, how about Nick's--"Don't throw things at people!"

I can't wait to post more fun and exciting things that are happening in the Rhodes Rock Stars classroom!